Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Its "Sarceshwar" is it ???

First of all . I think Zombies is an accurate term to describe us . And yes our jokes are quite mature and needs a high level of humour to understand .


Well intro time . Umm.... lets see here . I think i have a good sense of humour . I can be fun to be with if i 'feel' like it (i get bored a lot so...) . And i like to insult "lambeshwar" or just watch him do idiotic things and laugh at his face . For example : When he hit a female in college thinking it was neha goyal , and on realising that she was not the same person ,  ripping away 'cos he didnt know what else to do .

Things like this make you want to be a part of Zombies of BMSCE 'cos these moments are the ones that you'll remember for the rest of your life ...... (my goodness , since when am i so sentimental !)

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