Friday, February 6, 2009

The chronicles of Dev D - the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe

Or : the drugs, the slut, and the oh-my-goodness-its-not-over-yet!

I always considered watching a movie on the first day, first show to be something good. Not proud or anything. Basically a positive emotion. But after watching Dev D on the first day, first show, these emotions are dead. i.e. the emotions are attyachaar'd.

I read a few reviews this evening and the reasons for the positivity seems to be that the portrayal of the original characters from Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay's book is finally truthful. And that the previously portrayed characters were all too uni-dimensional. Well, its hard to disagree to that. Take for example Dev- The pampered brat who always seems to blow all the money his dad gives for a car, by snorting drugs, and yet buys a BMW later. He basically does everything considered a no-no for a goody-goody guy and just when you think "aw, atleast he's not a murderer", he becomes one. Very multi-dimensional that is.

The plus point of the entire thing was that throughout the movie we had the satisfaction that the six little zombie puppies were spared of the emotional attyachaar.


  1. Why has no one put pics yet ???

  2. the puppies are oh so cute!!i'm waiting to c them :).they don deserve 5 star crap!

  3. the one will cm back in search of its brothers and sisters :))
