Wednesday, January 27, 2010

my very first blog...:)

It's nice to see my fellow zombies growing up ( FINALLY!!!), making deir future plans n al...

It's so ironic dat the kid amidst us(huggies baby) has made a 5 year plan ( does he even know how to count till 5??? )...

I also realise dat i'm lagging behind  ,not even a single 'to do list' ,no clue watsover i wanna or like to do ... But it feels nice not to waste my precious time over it,while i can spend it sleeping,sleeping n more sleeping...:)  Let the future reveal itself wit a whole lot of suprises(gud surprises)...

Well wait a sec,i do know one thing i really need to focus on "get over my laziness" , my very first blog is my first step towards dis goal... 

Nothing more to say ,but i'l be back soon wit more crap...

PS: Any insults to anyone in dis blog r unintentional,read at ur own risk...:)


  1. Nice to see you're writing . Keep it coming :)

  2. Nice sow :)
    I hope to see a lot of unintentional insults being hurled at us unsuspecting zombies.

  3. how come nobody has anything to say about sms language being used here??!! cheating :( not fair :(

  4. you know i was going to say that only but should encourage people is what my brain said so didn't say it
